20 June, 2012

More from somewhere in the darkness of the mind.....or, Más de algún lugar en la oscuridad de la mente. 
El Tonto, ¿no?
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27 January, 2012


.....I wonder where the ideas come from.  Then, some days, I really don't want to know!

10 November, 2011

Nada nuevo ......

Por favor, he estado un poco ocupado.  In other words, I've been busy.

19 September, 2011

Nothing of..........

any great importance.  It's not correct. Just something I, recently, tried.

26 July, 2011

Feliz Navidad?........

It may be July, but I'm thinking ahead.  Actually, work is very slow.  So today, I'm doodling.  Mort (once cleaned up) if both of us are lucky, will get used in children's book........I hope!  An elephant's pregnancy is shorter than the length of this project.  The other scribble is one of the morning cafe crowd.  It's nothing great......or even very good.  It's the best I could do with a ballpoint pen & lined paper in about one minute. I looked at him & had to scribble.  I spent more time scanning it & cleaning it up (spilled coffee makes such a mess!).


16 June, 2011

11 May, 2011

Por favor, perdona mi larga ausencia ....... vida se convirtió ocupado......

The truth is, I have simply neglected this.  I have spent the past year, creating  ideas,  drawing, writing, and not enough selling my work.   This past week, a long term project has appeared.  No great money, but it will be very gratifying (if the project can get funded).  The potential exposure for me will be a great help!  I'll offer more on that as it progresses. 

So this morning, I stop at the local cafe for croissant and coffee.  I am in good spirits..........until I began speaking with the regulars (my friends!!). After a few minutes, they inspired me to this:

They grumbled and complained about everything.  After a few minutes, I became frustrated and started looking out the window.  It is  grey, cold and windy outside.  I  saw a small blackbird clinging onto a tree branch. Perhaps, we are thinking the same thing........"It's not nice here, and I would rather be somewhere else!"

It was one of those moments, that I  miss the peace & calm of working at my drawing table!

Now, I'm home and ready to work.   Problem, I must leave again, to buy pencils!!.  Is this the way to start a day?