11 May, 2011

Por favor, perdona mi larga ausencia ....... vida se convirtió ocupado......

The truth is, I have simply neglected this.  I have spent the past year, creating  ideas,  drawing, writing, and not enough selling my work.   This past week, a long term project has appeared.  No great money, but it will be very gratifying (if the project can get funded).  The potential exposure for me will be a great help!  I'll offer more on that as it progresses. 

So this morning, I stop at the local cafe for croissant and coffee.  I am in good spirits..........until I began speaking with the regulars (my friends!!). After a few minutes, they inspired me to this:

They grumbled and complained about everything.  After a few minutes, I became frustrated and started looking out the window.  It is  grey, cold and windy outside.  I  saw a small blackbird clinging onto a tree branch. Perhaps, we are thinking the same thing........"It's not nice here, and I would rather be somewhere else!"

It was one of those moments, that I  miss the peace & calm of working at my drawing table!

Now, I'm home and ready to work.   Problem, I must leave again, to buy pencils!!.  Is this the way to start a day?

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